Win Every Game with These Simple  Bank Shots in 8-Ball Pool

In today’s article, our focus is on telling you about those incredible shots, mostly played by skilled players in the 8-ball pool, which surprise their opponents. These shots are so incredible that we are sure of winning the match, but the player on the opposite side still has some secret shots to change the tide of the game. These incredible shots are bank shots in 8 Ball Pool and if once master it, you never have a shortage of 8 Ball Pool coins.

You may have seen many tutorials before, but they are often too tough and time-consuming, and no one has enough time to fully execute the shots. So, we will not only give you an easy way but also a method that is a huge time-saver.

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What are Bank Shots in 8 Ball Pool

If you’re a beginner and are not familiar with bank shots, let me give you a head start.

To ace the 8 Ball Pool bank shot, you need to hit the object ball so it bounces off the cushion before sinking into the pocket. Visualize the path, pinpoint where it should hit the cushion, and aim the cue ball just right. Use just the right amount of force for a clean rebound into the pocket. It’s like hitting the nail on the head – a mix of skill and precision.

Step-by-Step Guide to Play 8 Ball Pool Bank Shot

This is a step-by-step process to execute perfect bank shots in 8 Ball Pool.

  1. First, draw an imaginary straight line to the object ball. Like here, in our example, the black ball is our object ball.
  1. Next, in the same way, draw an imaginary straight line from your targeted pocket toward your object ball’s imaginary cushion area.
  1. Then, create a line from your target pocket’s opposite side pocket toward the object ball.
  1. At the point where the last line from your target pocket and the opposite pocket intersect, create a straight line from that intersection toward the cushion. That is your bank shot area.
  1. Finally, you have your target area for the bank shot. All you have to do is aim at that area with full force.

Practical Tips For 8 Ball Pool Bank Shots

  • Angle In, Angle Out: The object ball will bounce off the cushion at the same angle it approached. This fundamental principle will help you get the hang of banking.
  • Speed Control: The speed of your shot affects the angle of rebound. Faster shots compress the angle, while slower shots widen it. Experiment with different speeds to find the right balance for each shot.
  • Visualization: Mentally rehearse the entire shot before making it. This includes visualizing the cue ball’s path and how it interacts with the cushions.
  • Use of Spin: Employ sidespin, topspin, or backspin to control the cue ball’s path after hitting the cushion. This can significantly influence the outcome of your 8 Ball Pool bank shots.


With these steps and tips, you’re on your way to mastering direct, indirect, and bank shots in 8 Ball Pool. Remember, practice makes perfect. Share this tutorial with your friends and enhance your game together. See you in the next video!

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