Webcord Virus | What is it and how do you get rid of it, A Complete Guide

The Internet is a magnificent tool that helps us a lot in every way, a tool that we cannot live without today. It does have one flaw that is if you are not careful enough, you will get a computer virus or malware. Viruses can be really nasty if not taken care of and a good example of one such virus is Webcord Virus.

We hope that you never had to contend with this virus and never will in the future. But in case you have to, you should know what it is, how it works and most importantly if you get Webcord Virus on your computer you need to know how to remove it. Today we will teach you all of the above in this simple guide.

What is Webcord Virus?

Webcord Virus like other computer viruses is a malicious software that installs on your computer without your knowledge or consent. It is a browser hijacker which means it will create web queries on its own and search from your computer, it will create new tabs in the browser and these searches will lead to unwanted ads, which are often fake to begin with.

How does Webcord Virus work?

Webcord Virus often appears in the form of web advertisements on websites that you may mistakenly click. It can also get into your computer when you download stuff from less reputable websites, like torrents, or get cracked games and software.

Sometimes you can mistake it for the captchas you normally fill in on websites, or it can be part of another software installation process. You may not be paying enough attention when installing the software and when clicking next you may also agree to install it.

Once installed on your computer it will start opening new tabs and creating new search queries that lead to unwanted links, with more advertisements. If you don’t know how to deal with it, all the tabs and searches opening up can be really annoying.

Signs that your computer may have Webcord Virus

While other viruses are very sneaky and may steal your data or affect your computer without you even knowing, Webcord Virus is not like that as it makes its presence known right away. If you have a good anti-virus or anti-malware installed then it will catch it right away and remove it.

But if not, once it is installed on your PC, you will know right away that you have the virus when you open your web browser and it opens to a new website, etc. So, in this aspect, it is not one of the worst viruses as it shows its signs right away. 

How to remove the Webcord Virus?

The process of removing Webcord involves a few different steps, but they are easy to follow, so here is what you do.

Uninstall the Webcord Virus software from the control panel

This step may seem highly unlikely to work and more often than not it does not work, but there is no harm in trying it. Just as you uninstall any other software you can uninstall Webcord as well, you simply go to the control panel, then uninstall a program, select Webcord Virus, and uninstall it.

Next, you reset your web browser

Most people use Google Chrome nowadays so we will use that as an example, but resetting any web browser is very easy and follows more or less the same steps. You start clicking the 3 dots on the top right of the browser, then click on advanced and click on reset and cleanup. By doing so you will reset your browser to its default settings.

Employ Rkill to get rid of the Webcord Virus

Rkill is a software created by Bleepingcomputer.com and is a godsend. It works like an antimalware it will remove unnecessary programs, fix any policies that may have been changed in your PC, and stop any unnecessary tools from running.

Install an antivirus or antimalware software

This is the most obvious way to remove Webcord Virus and any other viruses and malware like it. You should have an antivirus like Norton or Bitdefender or an antimalware like Malwarebytes installed on your PC all the time. Make sure they are up to date and even if you can’t afford the paid ones, get one of the free ones because something is better than nothing.

In case you didn’t have an antivirus installed before you got the Webcord Virus, it is still not a problem. Download the antivirus or antimalware now and install and run them. They will automatically find the virus and remove it.

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